Saturday, January 30, 2010

Portraiture: It’s all about the eyes!

"If the eyes are windows to the soul,
then portraiture is the art of capturing
the human spirit"

Pasquale Stalteri

Portraiture is about the eyes and their magical ability to reveal such extreme ranges of expression and emotion. 

Some feel that the eyes are windows to the soul, which at key moments provide a deep glimpse into the true spirit of the person.

Therefore, if Portraiture is the art of bringing out a person’s character it is also the art of capturing the human spirit.

The Human Spirit

I imagine that we've all experienced it at some point or another while looking deeply into someone’s eyes: the feeling of coldness or evil in some and that of warmth and kindness in others. Eyes can scare you or seduce you or evoke just about any other emotion in between that range but very rarely will they leave you with a sense of nothing at all unless of course, they are closed.

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